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About Us


Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God.” ~ Krishnamacharya

Pure Pilates & Yoga was created in the efforts of assisting individuals with reaching their health and wellness goals. We believe that true wellness starts from within and includes both the mental and physical being.  

Our Pilates and Yoga is pure and unique, as each practice is performed with great purpose and understanding so that you can reconnect with your body and listen to what your body is trying to convey. Our one-on-one classes are created with the client in mind, focusing each session on the client's needs. One-on-one classes are great for individuals with injuries, specific illnesses, the elderly, mothers to be or clients desiring more individualize attention. As a bonus we can provide nutritional guidance to assist with a whole body wellness lifestyle. 

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